What is the writing technique of close-up vision?

Literature and Visual Expression in Film and Television

In literary creation and film and television drama, harmony is two indispensable visual expression is often used to focus on the character's expression, action and details, Let the reader or audience feel deeply the inner world of the characters, in depicting the scene of grief, by showing their tearful faces, Can more profoundly convey the sincere and profound feelings, but pay more attention to the overall atmosphere of the building, through a broad field of vision to show the characters and the surrounding environment interaction, So that the audience can enjoy the story, but also feel the vast and magnificent picture, in film and television works often used to describe the magnificent natural landscape or urban scenery, To create a grand sense of epic, in the war scenes, the director will use the war to show the whole picture to the audience, let people in shock, Can also understand the cruel and ruthless war, in literary works and the use of equally important, by skillfully switching between these two perspectives, Writers can better show the character, emotion and story, when describing the inner struggle of the characters, Writers delve into the inner world of their characters, and when they show their relationship to their surroundings, Will be used to broaden the reader's horizons and is an indispensable literary and film creative visual expression, They play an important role in shaping the characters, exaggerating the atmosphere and promoting the development of the plot.

In the literary creation and the use of particularly clever, in the description of love stories, writers can show the hero and heroine of the affectionate look at each other, The story is made more colorful by depicting their wonderful time walking in the sea of flowers. In works on the subject of war, they can complement each other to show the bravery of the soldiers and the whole picture of the war. Let readers feel the cruelty of war, but also can feel the soldiers for the country and the nation to pay the great sacrifice, In the film and television script and the use of the same important, the director will be based on the plot needs, flexible use of these two perspectives to enhance visual effects and emotional expression, In the exciting chase scenes, the director will show the tension of the characters, and make the audience immersive by showing the whole process of the chase. In the grand scene, the director will use to broaden the audience's horizons, enhance the epic sense of the work.

Harmony is an indispensable visual expression in literature and film and television creation. We should pay more attention to the use of these two techniques in the future creative process. To enhance the artistic value and appreciation of the works.

In photography and cinematography, close-up is like a delicate painter, focused on capturing parts of a person or object. This is not just a simple magnification of the details, but a deep excavation, a unique interpretation of beauty, a portrait, Close to the character's face, we can see the delicate wrinkles, flashing eyes, and even hidden behind the smile of sadness, every part, As if to tell a story, convey a kind of emotion.

For objects, close-up can show its texture, texture, color incisively and vividly, in the close-up lens, is no longer a distant view of the fuzzy outline, But those tiny petals, those subtle color changes, a ray of sunlight through the leaves, sprinkled on the ground, close-up lens captured, The drops of water illuminated by the sun, the specks that twinkle in the sun.

Close-up is not unlimited. It requires a photographer or director to be observant and to be able to capture details that are easily overlooked. It requires a photographer or director to have a unique aesthetic, to be able to string these details together to form a complete picture, It needs the photographer or the director to have the deep emotion, because each part, is telling a story, is transmitting one kind of emotion.

In the close-up lens, the character's expression becomes richer, the expression of emotion more delicate, a simple smile, in the close-up lens, It may contain joy, anticipation, doubt or sadness, it may reveal the character's inner world, it may be a vision of the future, May be the memory of the past, may also be the reality of helplessness.

Close-up of the object can also show its unique charm, in the close-up lens, is no longer ordinary stone, But has a unique texture and texture of works of art, in the close-up lens, is no longer a simple fruit, but has a bright color and attractive luster of food.

Close-up technique is a unique technique of artistic expression, which can highlight the characteristics of characters or objects by magnifying details, convey emotions and tell stories. It requires a photographer or director to have a keen observation, unique aesthetic and deep emotion, close-up can really play its charm, Become an integral part of a work of art.

2. Close-up

Under the lens, the close-up of the characters is like a mirror, reflecting their inner waves, tension like taut strings, every breath seems heavy. Fear follows, eyes flashing anxiety and hesitation, joy as the spring sun, lit up the whole picture, people feel the heartfelt happiness, It is not only a picture, but also an expression of emotion, a revelation of the heart.

When nervous, the sweat on the forehead like pearls, dripping on the dry floor, issued a crisp sound, fingers unconsciously clenched, Nails deeply embedded in the palm, but can not hide the inner panic, heartbeat in the ear, as if to remind the passage of time, Every breath becomes careful, afraid to break this calm.

In fear, the eyes become empty, as if out of focus, the body trembles involuntarily, teeth clenched lower lip, trying to suppress the fear. Cold sweat on the forehead like a thin stream of water, from the hairline slide, drop on the skirt, the hands of the goods slipped, but no one noticed, People become fragile, like a fortress that could collapse at any time.

Joy, smile as blooming flowers, infected with the surrounding air, eyes flashing light, as if to see a better future, The body involuntarily swaying, as if in the dance, the hands of the items were held high, as if to the world to declare their joy, people full of power, As if have the power to overcome all.

Is a tacit understanding between the director and the audience, through the lens of the capture, so that the audience feel the inner world of the characters, Experience the tension and fear with the characters. Under the close-up depiction, the characters' emotions are released and the hearts of the audience fluctuate. This is the close-up charm, it allows us to see the life of those subtle emotional fluctuations, feel the vulnerability and strength of human nature.

3. Close-up emotional ties

The camera slowly zoomed in, catching the hands tightly held, the traces of years flowing between the rough knuckles, but unable to hide the silent affection, Their eyes met, like an invisible light shining in the air, it is understanding, trust and support, their smile, though slightly tired, But filled with warmth and satisfaction, as if telling a long period of years to accompany and spend.

One of them is gently stroking the other's hair, with love and care in his eyes, while the other is holding each other's hand. Eyes firm, as if to tell each other " regardless of wind and rain, I will be by your side, " such emotional expression, without words, But enough to let the viewer feel the deep love.

Zoom in again to capture the details of their faces, wrinkles hidden between the countless stories, each trace is a witness to their pay and harvest, Their eyes revealed the dependence on each other, that dependence is not only the needs of life, but also the proof of the same heart, in this emotional exchange, The audience seemed to be able to hear their inner whispers, which were the warm warmth of the years and the indispensable companions in each other's lives.

When the camera turned to their backs, you can see them walking side by side in the sunset, the long shadows intertwined, As if to tell the road they traveled together, time seems to be static, leaving only their accompanying figure, in the afterglow of the sunset is particularly warm, Beyond the blood, beyond the distance, become the most precious wealth in their lives.

In the close-up, the emotional relationship between the characters has been fully demonstrated, this expression, Let the audience get a glimpse of their inner emotional world, feel the sincere emotional ties, in this complex world, Such feelings are particularly precious, people in the busy life to find spiritual comfort.

Zoom in to capture the ring they are holding, the glittering diamond seems to tell a good memory, the engraving on the ring, Is the witness of their love, but also they go through the proof, through the long river of time, still shining light.

When the camera zooms in again, the audience can see the tears from their eyes, which are tears of happiness and tears of gratitude. They appreciate the fate of the arrangement, let them meet in the vast sea of humanity, know each other, this emotion, as the spring breeze, moistens their hearts, Let them go forward on the road of life.

In the close-up, the emotional relationship between the characters has been fully demonstrated, this expression, Let the audience get a glimpse of their inner emotional world, feel the sincere emotional ties, in this complex world, Such feelings are particularly precious, people in the busy life to find spiritual comfort.

4. The use of close-up in the script can guide the audience to focus on the key points of the story and increase the dramatic tension

The use of close-up plays an important role in screenwriting, by focusing on the character's facial expressions, subtle movements and emotional outpouring. Close-up can make the audience closer to the inner world of the characters, this approach can not only guide the audience to focus on the key points of the story, Also can effectively increase the dramatic tension, in the intense plot, the director may choose to use close-up at the critical moment, Focus the audience's attention on the character's tense expression to enhance the tension, and in the romantic and warm scene, Close-up can capture the character's affectionate eyes, delicate touch, so that the hearts of the audience will heat up, close-up can also highlight the emotional ties between the characters, To make the audience pay more attention to the development of the relationship between the characters, in the script, clever use of close-up, Can make the story more vivid, so as to impress the audience.

In the script, the use of close-up can also play a role in promoting the development of the plot, by capturing the psychological changes of the characters, Close-up allows the audience to clearly feel the psychological activities of the characters in a specific situation, which helps the audience to better understand the motives and purposes of the characters. In suspense, the director may use close-up to reveal the secrets of the characters, Guide the audience to follow the plot clues to find the truth, in a comedy, close-up can capture the character's humorous moments, So that the audience in a relaxed and happy atmosphere to taste the state of life, close-up in the use of the script, can not only enhance the tension of the drama, Can also promote the development of the plot, make the story more interesting.

Close-up can also enhance the artistic quality of the script, in the script, the director and screenwriter can skillfully use close-up, Show the emotion and inner world of the characters through the lens, make the audience feel the charm of art visually. This technique helps to enhance the artistic value of the script, so that the audience can enjoy the story, but also enjoy the visual feast. In the film " Shawshank Redemption ", the director through a large number of close-up shots, showing the hero Andy in the plight of the tenacity and hope, In Forrest Gump, the close-up captures the innocent smile and eyes of Forrest Gump. So that the audience had a deep feeling for this special hero, these classic cases fully prove the important role of close-up in the script.

1. A vista is a broad scene usually used to depict a natural or urban landscape

Sunlight through layers of leaves, sprinkled on the winding path, forming a mottled light and shadow, the distant mountains looming, like a splash-ink landscape painting, The lake shimmered, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, and the flowers and trees on the shore. Busy streets winding, like a dragon shuttle in the bustling city, neon lights lit up the whole city, Dress up tall buildings like a dream, stars, as if the universe blink of an eye, telling the endless mystery, in this vast scene, People sigh the uncanny workmanship of nature, but also proud of the prosperity and beauty of the city.

In this vast land, rivers like ribbons shuttle, will be a piece of oasis together, the lake like a pearl inlaid in the mountains and rivers, Clear lake reflected the blue sky and white clouds, wreathed in clouds, as if fairyland in general, flowers all over the mountains, bees buzzing, butterflies dancing, tree-lined, Cicadas chirp frog call, cool and pleasant, golden rice fields a piece, autumn wind send cool, falling leaves, snow-wrapped, the world seems to have entered another dimension.

The city scenery is even more breathtaking, the ancient castle, magnificent church, unique architectural style, all highlight the history of the city, Wide streets, busy, people in a hurry, interpretation of the ups and downs of life, hawkers hawking, children playing, the old people leisurely in the sun, When night falls and the lights come on, the night view of the city is even more beautiful, with the lights of tall buildings flashing. Like a river of stars falling into the world, people revel in this piece of bright stars under.

In this vast scene, human and nature harmonious symbiosis, urban and rural interdependence, in this land, people create a better life, Inheriting a long culture, whether it is natural landscape or urban scenery, let us feel the beauty of life, Inspired our constant pursuit of progress, let us work together to protect this beautiful home, so that the future scene more colorful.

Night fell, the moonlight sprinkled on the vast grasslands, quiet as if you can hear the distant wind rustling through the leaves, the vast expanse of stars, As if the vastness of the universe, the atmosphere of silence, people in awe, as if exposure to the embrace of the universe, desolate valleys, broken walls, Traces eroded by the years, witnessed the vicissitudes of history, in this desolate, as if you can hear the wind reverberating in the valley, telling the ancient story, And the towering peaks, towering, magnificent, from the foot of the mountain, I saw cloud-shrouded, like fairyland in general, in front of this magnificent scene, People can not help but sigh the magic and greatness of nature.

Dawn, the sun sprinkled on the sparkling lake, the water and sky the same color, quiet and peaceful, the lake trees lush, birds singing happily in the branches, Fishing boats rippling on the lake, fishermen hard figure, constitute a harmonious picture, this quiet atmosphere, people feel happy, As if exposure to Xanadu, a yellow grass, lonely stumps, witness the flow of the years, in this desolate, Only the wind whistling in the ear, as if to tell the fragility of life and strong, and the rolling hills, like a magnificent picture, From a distance to the sky, in front of this magnificent scene, people can not help but sigh the uncanny workmanship of nature.

Sunset, the afterglow reflected in the mountains, a golden, distant village, smoke curl, cattle and sheep return, the joy of homecoming filled the air, This warm atmosphere, people warm, as if exposure to the harbor of happiness, sand dunes, endless, in this desolate land, Only the desert wind whistling in the ear, telling the tenacity and tenacity of life, and the mountains, like a natural barrier, Guarding this land, in front of this magnificent scene, people can not help but sigh the magic and greatness of nature.

The morning after the rain, fresh air, the sun sprinkled through the leaves on the ground, forming mottled light and shadow, fish playing in the water, flowers, Constitute a beautiful picture, this quiet atmosphere, people relaxed and happy, as if exposure to Xanadu, wild flowers competing to open, colorful, In this desolate, only the flowers swaying in the wind, emitting a faint fragrance, and the continuous mountains, like a magnificent picture, From the distance to the sky, in front of this magnificent scene, people can not help but sigh the magic and greatness of nature.

As night falls, the lights come on, the city's neon lights flashing, heavy traffic, high-rise buildings rise, highlighting the prosperity and vitality of the modern city, This noisy atmosphere, people feel the pulse of the city, wolves running in the night, the moonlight reflects their shadow, in this desolate land, Only wolf howling echoed in the night sky, telling the call of the wild, and the city skyline, like a beautiful landscape, stretching from the distance to the sky, In front of this magnificent scene, people can not help but sigh the magic and greatness of nature.

Time flies, the four seasons change, the natural scenery is also changing, in this vast world, people can not help but sigh the magic and great life, Whether it is quiet, desolate or magnificent, the vision has brought people endless reverie and sentiment.

3. Vision

In the early morning light, the Ancient City Wall stands quietly at the edge of the city, witnessing the vicissitudes of history. It was the symbol of our ancient civilization. Its every brick bearing the mark of the years, in the shadow of the Wall, a winding stream gurgling, the river swaying in the spring breeze, As if to tell the ancient story, in this land, there have been countless joys and sorrows, witnessed the vicissitudes of human society.

Back then, here was a prosperous Merchant land, the caravan stream, the sound of camel bells, with the vicissitudes of history, this piece of land gradually quiet, All that was left was the ruins and the weeds, which did not make the land lifeless, in a unique way, To show the world the weight of history.

In this land, there has been a soul-stirring war, swords and swords, countless brave soldiers laid down their lives here, On the battlefield only scattered armor and rusty weapons, they silently tell the tragic history, and in the ruins of war, Life is still tenacious to continue, green flowers bloom in this land, as if to show the world the tenacity of life.

With the passage of time, this piece of land gradually into the modern society, high-rise buildings, bustling streets busy with people, In this modern city, there are still some ancient relics, which are like lighthouses of history, illuminating the way for people to go. As night falls, these relics are even more mysterious against the light, as if telling one unsolved mystery after another.

In this land, there have been many outstanding historical figures, their wisdom and talent, for the history of our civilization left a thick and heavy color, Their stories, like bright stars, illuminate the historical sky, the images of these historical figures have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Their spirit has inspired generations of young people to go forward.

Standing on this land, people can not help but filled with emotion, the history of thick, like an invisible mountain, pressure in people's hearts, it is precisely because of this mountain, We can better look at ourselves, draw wisdom from it, in this land, every corner is full of stories, Each story contains the lessons of history, let us with reverence for history, continue to move forward, and strive to create a better future.

4. The use of vision in the script

The use of vision in the script, like the painter's vast world, it is not only the expansion of the screen space, but also the depth of the story. In script writing, the use of vision is not only to show the broad and grand scene, but also to paint a macro narrative picture for the audience. It is not only a series of stories, but also a profound reflection of the characters' fate, social background and historical changes. The application of vision can be reflected in many aspects, such as the evolution of the relationship between characters, the change of social system, the narration of historical events, etc. The script can show a more far-reaching theme and a broader vision, thus causing the audience to think and resonate.

Vision in the script can help the audience better understand the story's macro background, The description of the vision often involves the social environment, the background of the times and historical events. The audience can better understand the background of the story and have a deeper resonance with the story. The use of vision can help the audience feel the turbulent era of cruelty and hardship, and thus more deeply understand the protagonist's struggle and sacrifice.

In the script, the ups and downs of the fate of the characters are often the core of the story. It can better show the twists and turns of the characters' fate and make the audience resonate with the characters' growth and change. In describing the story of a rural child growing into an urban elite, the use of perspective can describe his journey from the country to the city. And the challenges and dilemmas he experienced in the process.

In the script, the change of social system is often the driving force for the development of the story. Through the description of the vision, we can better show the evolution of the social system and let the audience have a deeper understanding of the social phenomenon in the story. In describing the story of the reform and opening up period, the use of vision can describe the great changes in Chinese society, and the impact of this change on people's lives.

In the script, the narrative of historical events is often an important part of the story. Through the description of the perspective, can better show the panorama of historical events, so that the audience have a deeper understanding of historical events, In describing the story of a historical war, the use of vision can describe the cruelty and tragedy of the war, and the impact of the war on people's lives.

In literary works, the ingenious fusion of close-up and distant view is like the delicate brushwork of a painter, which presents vivid pictures to the readers. Close-up, like a macro lens, magnifies the details so that the reader can clearly feel the characters' expressions, movements and inner movements. The use of vision, like a wide-angle lens, will be a panoramic view of the vast scene, so that readers appreciate the delicate feelings at the same time, Can also appreciate the macro mood.

When the close-up and the distant view interweave together, the work's artistic appeal then obtained the enormous promotion, causes the work to have the exquisite emotion description, Also has a broad field of vision, so that readers in the reading process, can not only feel the author's capture of the details, but also understand the author's thinking of the macro world.

Take a classic novel as an example, through the close-up description, the hero in the plight of the struggle and the joy after the struggle to show incisively and vividly, In the description of the vision, the author connects the fate of the protagonist with the development of the whole era, so that the reader in the process of reading, Can not only feel the individual emotions, but also feel the magnificent changes of the times.

The combination of close-up and long-range can also add a unique sense of rhythm to the work, Close-up description enables the reader to follow in the hero's footsteps and experience those thrilling moments together. The description of the vision allows the reader to enjoy the beautiful scenery at the same time, feel the protagonist's inner peace and indifference.

In the use of close-up and perspective, the author should also pay attention to the balance between the two, excessive close-up description may lead to the work appears trivial, Too much perspective may make the work appear empty, the author needs to find a suitable balance between the two, so that the work both delicate emotional description, Also has the broad field of vision, thus presents the most artistic appeal work.

The combination of close view and distant view plays an important role in literary works. Can also bring readers a rich reading experience, let us in the future reading and creation, continue to explore the integration of close-up and vision, To appreciate the beauty of literature.

2. Combining close-up and vision

The combination in narrative art is like the method of distance in painting, which gives the work a richer sense of hierarchy, as the camera zooms in. The expressions of the characters are depicted in minute detail, making the audience feel as if they were in them, while the vision is as distant as the camera. The characters will be placed in a broad background to show the story of the space-time environment, the two complement each other, so that the story more three-dimensional, fascinating.

Close-up and perspective

Imagine a lone wolf searching for prey on a vast prairie, switching from a distant view to a close-up, The audience can see the wild eyes of the wolf and feel its loneliness and longing. The camera is pulled away again, showing the magnificent scenery of the grassland. In sharp contrast to the wolf, highlighting its insignificance in nature, this combination makes the story more vivid, so that the audience resonate with the wolf's fate.

In the movie Forrest Gump, the director skillfully uses the switch between close-up and distant view to show the growth of the protagonist Forrest Gump from a child to an old man. In Forrest Gump and Jenny's childhood, the camera used close-up, to capture their pure smile, play the scene, and when Forrest Gump grew up, The camera shifts into perspective, showing the ups and downs of his life, creating an epic atmosphere, which makes the film even more moving. Let the audience full of respect for Forrest Gump's life.

The combination of close-up and long-range can also add suspense to the story. In the suspense film Inception, the director uses a lot of long-range shots. The audience into a Dream World, and at a critical moment, the camera is switched to close-up, revealing the character's inner world and true feelings, This combination makes the story more gripping and makes the audience nervous as the plot develops.

It not only enriches the level of the story and makes the plot more three-dimensional, but also stimulates the imagination of the audience. Enhance the appeal of the film, in the future creation, we should pay more attention to this combination, for the audience to present more wonderful stories.

Close-up and perspective

The combination in the script is like an artist's ingenious technique, which leads the audience's attention to the core of the story. The director can direct the audience's attention from the subtle individual emotions to the broad social context. In the intense plot can focus on the character facial expression of the subtle changes, let the audience deeply feel the character's inner world, In the grand scene will expand the audience's vision to a broader space, so that the story background more three-dimensional, as the expansion of the picture, So that the audience can appreciate at the same time, more aware of the level of the development of the story, the director needs to carefully plan the lens switch to ensure that the use of just right, To guide the audience to better understand the development of the story.

Close-up and perspectiveClose-up and perspective

And the use of, not isolated existence, but intertwined, complementary, in the narrative process, the director can according to the needs of the plot, Timely switch scenes to make the story more vivid, in the performance of the character's inner struggle, the director can be used to show the character's facial expression, So that the audience can feel the psychological changes of the characters, and in the story background, the director can be used to broaden the audience's horizons, Make the story background more rich, make the script narrative more three-dimensional, the audience in the process of appreciation, can get more rich visual experience.

In the use of the process, the director also need to pay attention to the lens rhythm and sense of rhythm, reasonable lens conversion, can make the plot more compact, Let the audience feel the ups and downs of the story in the tense atmosphere, in the chase scene, the director can use the quick switch lens, To make the audience feel the tension, and in the performance of the character's inner monologue, the director can use a slow cut, Let the audience have enough time to taste the role of emotion, this rhythm of the grasp, making the script narrative more vivid, the audience in the process of appreciation, To fit into the story better.

Close-up and perspective

In the script, the rational use of conversion, can guide the audience to better understand the development of the story, the director needs in the creative process, according to the needs of the plot, Carefully planning the use of the lens, so that the story more three-dimensional, only in this way, in order to enable the audience to appreciate the process, get a richer visual experience, In order to better feel the charm of the story.

Close-up and perspective

1. Analyze how to use close-up and perspective in Forrest Gump

The film Forrest Gump skillfully shows the extraordinary life of the protagonist Forrest Gump through the use of exquisite close-up and perspective. Director through the perspective lens to show the vast landscape of the southern American countryside, creating a quiet and beautiful atmosphere, as Forrest Gump grew up, Camera gradually closer, showing Forrest Gump immature face and pure eyes, let the audience resonate with this special hero, after Forrest Gump joined the army, The director uses a lot of close-up shots to capture Forrest Gump's fear and courage on the battlefield, so that the audience deeply feel the cruelty of war and Forrest Gump's tenacity. As the film progresses, the vista reappears, showing Forrest Gump's changes at different stages of his life. In his later years, the director pulled away to show him in a wheelchair. The images of the past symbolize the impermanence and beauty of life. Throughout the film, the use of close-up and perspective are intertwined. It not only shows Forrest Gump's inner world, but also describes the changes of the times, making Forrest Gump a visual and emotional classic.

In the film, the switch between close-up and perspective is particularly clever. When Forrest Gump fought with his comrades in the Vietnam War, The director uses close-up shots to capture the sweat and fear on Forrest Gump's face, making the audience feel the cruelty of the war, while the clip of Forrest Gump and Jenny reunited. The director uses a long-range lens to place the two men in a vast field, symbolizing their deep affection for each other. The director shows Forrest Gump running through a long-range lens, making the audience feel the joy of running. When Forrest Gump took part in the table tennis match, the director used close-up lens to capture Forrest Gump's eyes and nervous expression, so that the audience cheered for his victory. Through these scenes, the director successfully presents the story of Forrest Gump's life to the audience. Let the audience deeply moved to this special hero.

In addition to showing the feelings of the characters and the story, the use of close-up and perspective also reflects the director's concern for the times, in Forrest Gump's later years, The director shows the hustle and bustle of American cities, hinting at the changing times, while the reunion between Forrest and Jenny takes place. The director used a long-range shot to place the two men in a wide field, symbolizing their deep affection for each other. It also reflects the tranquility and beauty of the American South, which makes the movie Forrest Gump more visually powerful. Let the audience have a more profound thinking about Forrest Gump's life experience.

2. Show the actual effect of close-up and vision in the work through specific examples

With the film " Titanic " Director James Cameron clever use of shooting techniques, the audience into a fantastic love story, At the beginning of the movie, through a series of romantic encounters between Jack and Ruth on the deck, The audience can clearly feel the emotional connection between them, and in the next shot, Jack stands on the bow, looking out to the sea, Showing his desire for freedom and the pursuit of life, the use of this lens, so that the audience in the process of watching the film, as if personally in that era, I felt the atmosphere.

The switch in the middle of the movie adds to the story, when Jack and Ruth meet on the Titanic, The director shows the budding love between them through a series of scenes, and when the two face the disaster together, the camera takes the audience into a grand scene. Let the audience feel the cruelty of the disaster and the fragility of life, making the audience in the process of watching the film, both can feel the beauty of love, And realize the value of life.

In the film, the director uses the technique again to bring the audience into an eternal love story, when Ruth was on the wreckage of the Titanic, Facing the sea, recalling the dribs and drabs with Jack, the director through a series of show Ruth's inner emotional fluctuations, and in the camera, The audience saw the spectacular sinking of the Titanic, symbolizing the eternity of love and the passing of life. The film reached a climax and left a deep impression on the audience.

In the TV series " Game of Thrones ", the director also skillfully uses the shooting technique with, has presented a grand epic fantasy world for the audience, At the beginning of the series, through a series of characters to show the personality characteristics and identity background, and in the camera, The audience can see the grand war scenes and the spectacular natural scenery, which makes the whole story more colorful. Make the audience in the process of watching, as if exposure to the fantasy world, feel the tension and excitement.

Whether film or television and shooting techniques are indispensable to the director of the weapon, through the rational use of these two shooting techniques, Directors can better express the theme of the story, shape the character of the characters, and create a unique atmosphere, Thus brings the more shocking viewing experience for the audience.

What are the functions of perspective and proximity in literary works
Foresight and close-up are two important visual expressions in literary works, which play different roles respectively. A vista is usually used to describe a broad background, a magnificent natural landscape, or a cityscape. Readers feel the infinite extension of space, in the description of war scenes, the perspective can show the whole picture of the battlefield, let readers experience the cruelty and merciless of war, Close-Range pays more attention to the characters' expressions, movements and details. It can dig into the characters' inner world and bring the readers closer to the characters' feelings. In the description of the characters grief scene, through the close-up show their tearful face, can more profoundly convey the sincere and profound feelings.
What is the difference between perspective and close-up in film and television
In film and television works, the difference between perspective and close-up is mainly reflected in the picture composition and technique of expression. A vision is usually used to show a grand scene, a vast background, or a spectacular natural landscape, It can let the audience feel the infinite extension of space and the grandeur of the scene, in depicting the war scene, the perspective can show the whole picture of the battlefield, Let the audience feel the cruelty and ruthlessness of war, while the close-up pays more attention to the characters' expressions, movements and details. It can make the audience closer to the inner world of the characters, feel the emotional fluctuations of the characters, in describing the scenes of grief, Through close-up show their tearful face, can more deeply convey the sincere and profound feelings.
How to use the long-range and close-range skillfully to enhance the artistic appeal of the works
How to use vision and close-up to promote the development of the plot in the script writing